Monday, January 16, 2012


I have become less and less tolerant of waiting in the last year. I am a pretty patient person about a lot of things, but when it comes to waiting....not so much. The kind of waiting I'm talking about is the time I could be doing something else.

Commercials, for example...I hate them. There is nothing about commercials that I like. Food ones make me hungry, clothes ones make me want to shop, and kids ones are just annoying. :) Thank goodness for DVR!

Today we were house hunting in GA. We spent the day going around to different parts of the town looking at homes. What a daunting task. It's completely different looking for a place to rent vs looking for a place to buy. Completely different. This afternoon we spent a while waiting to hear back from the rental company. Thank goodness for GOOD NEWS!

How about stoplights? I like the idea of stoplights, but I do not like waiting.
How about dr office waiting rooms or standing in line behind a person with a cart full of stuff at Wal-Mart?  I feel like I need to be doing something. If K is with me, I talk to him wherever we may be. If I'm alone, I use my phone. Although I don't actually talk on the phone nearly as much as I used to, I use it for it's other features. I never really cared much for a data plan until after I had one. Wow, I use my phone to look things up all.the.time. Literally. Saturday I was learning the history of South of the Border (b/n NC and SC) We were at Carrabba's last night waiting to order and I looked up tagliarini b/c we didn't know what it was. In case you didn't know (and want to) it's a paper thin ribbon like type of pasta that looks like of like fettuccine. Today I found out how much I really do use my phone...b/c it was not working. It hasn't been working right for the last two days. There were so many times I wanted to look something up and couldn't. I have become pretty attached to my phone. Hopefully tomorrow I can say thank goodness for my phone b/c it better be working!

Is it just me or do we (the general 'we') spend a lot of time waiting?

Sorry folks, K pictures today. I miss him so much but we'll see him soon....and in turn, so will you b/c then I'll have pics!

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