Saturday, January 28, 2012

Our day

I have a lot of thoughts on what to write...but since I'm tired I'm going to go with what's easy tonight. :)

We had a pretty nice Saturday. We started out the day with the usual...K making my coffee while I poured his milk and we watched an episode of Curious George.

Once we got up and moving we headed to New Bern to The Accidental Artist to do a little painting at what K calls "the painting office". Not sure where he got that from.
What we didn't realize was that we would get kind of stuck downtown because the Shriner's parade was today. Since we were there...and sort of stuck...I knew K would like to see the 'little' cars and trucks. He loves watching the Shriners in the different local parades so we watched for a few mins. I'm not sure if you can tell from the picture but it was a BEAUTIFUL day today. I don't know the exact temp but it was pretty close to perfect! I cannot believe this is JANUARY!

Of course on the way back to the car we had to stop and talk (and hug) several bears.
We had lunch with Dommie and then headed over to see how Poppo was doing. K got surprised by a popsicle while he was there.

Then we headed over to Dommie and Poppo's house to have some fun outside. We have to enjoy this weather while we can! K had fun walking on my (old) balance beam.
He also did some of his normal 'yard boy' duties.

Of course we did lots of other things too...roped each other with pseudo lassos (the rope holding together a bale of pine straw), checked on Poppo's garden, jumped on the neighbor's trampoline...and then lastly, K had to show is "Angry Bird face". (Not sure why my camera zoomed in so far but it is still a cute picture anyway.)
We ended our trip with the normal ride home. He usually ends up reading something on the way. This time he stuck with the same book the whole way home.

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