Thursday, January 5, 2012

Good Intentions

I am full of good intentions. I can honestly see this about myself and admit it. I have ideas and sometimes I don't follow through. It aggravates me that I am less tolerant of other people not following through on things but that I can acknowledge this about myself and not really try hard to fix it. Maybe 2012 will be different. My motto for life: "We'll see..." I will do better though.
Some examples:
I fully intend to send out presents on time, and although I did a pretty good job this year, I still have two boxes in my car (the abyss) that need to go to the UPS Store. (Note to self, they WILL go today!) In my defense on this one, the person was not going to be home, but now she is and I should have sent it last week....but life gets busy.
I fully intend to send out Christmas cards on time. This year we improvised with New Year’s cards. Lame? Nah, it was still a cute card and still wished everyone well so the point was made. Life got busy.
I fully intend to keep up better with friends. It seems like with texting, email, Facebook, etc, I lose touch with people I’d like stay better connected to. ..or really just solely rely on those avenues as an 'acceptable' way of keeping up with people instead of picking up the phone to call or visiting as often as I might like...but life gets busy.
I fully intended to write a post last night, but that got derailed by sleep. How? Every night I read to Kellen and every night when I turn the light off for him to go to sleep, I close my eyes and think about different things (lots of things…I’ve already mentioned that I think a lot – this is usually my sleep problem as well – not sleeping b/c of thinking but that’s a story for another day).  Apparently last night when my eyes closed, my brain was tired of thinking and I passed out, literally. If I had to guess, it was probably around 8pm.  :)  Thank goodness I had already set the alarm! Otherwise, that could have led to a very stressful morning.
New Year’s Resolution #1: Follow through on my intentions. Life is busy. That’s just a part of life. It shouldn’t be an excuse. :) (But sleep does win out!)

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