Saturday, January 7, 2012


Definitions of words or a description of what something is varies by person. Sometimes people will never agree.
The definition of FLIP FLOP as given by The Free Dictionary is “A backless, often foam rubber sandal held to the foot at the big toe by means of a thong.”
You may wonder why I’m writing about flip flops. This topic comes up several times a year at work in relation to our dress code.
What is a flip flop really?
What is the difference between a flip flop and a sandal?  
Is a flip flop simply something that makes a flipping and flopping noise?
Is it because it has a ‘toe thong’?
Is it based on price?
Do flip flops not have heels?
Does it come into play at all on ‘Dress Down Friday’?
It’s obviously subjective based on the people I’ve talked to…but we cannot seem to come up with a true definition. Then when I think I have one, it’s not really a definition; it’s still an opinion of a description. 
I think I know what is appropriate for the workplace, what is not, and what could fall in between. If I think it’s appropriate, I’d wear it. If not, I wouldn’t and if it fell between and I had to think about it, I probably wouldn’t…depending on the day.
I’m attaching some pictures of what I consider flip flops and what I don’t.
My idea of a flip flop....something I would not wear to work:

My idea of a sandal...that I would feel comfortable wearing to work:

But what would this be considered?
I added this just because it's cute...I love flip flops so this would be a cute wine glass holder. I wonder if sometimes the glass is hard to get out because the stem gets stuck in the straps. Maybe it depends on how much wine is consumed. ;)


  1. I think it is funny that the flip flop discussion made your blog so early in the game and not really in flip flop season.

    But I have to say I would have to put the sample in question in the dressy flip flop column as it does not have a heel... LOL!

  2. Haha I know...but it was like 70 today...and I'm just not really a shoe fan in general. I'd rather wear flops or sandals anyday...unless there is actually snow on the ground. It did legitimately come up at work yesterday though. :)

    Dressy flip flop? Is that okay for dress down day?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Every summer we have this same discussion in my office too! "What is the definition of a flip flop?" We still have people that wear flip flops even after a week long discussion...
    AND no one remembers what was agreed upon from the prior year, therefore we re-visit the discussion annually!
    (sorry... I misspelled two words, so I had to delete and re-post...)
