Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Year....New Thoughts...Lots of Changes...

Welcome to 2012...and to our little spot on the 'net!

I've talked about keeping a blog for a while, even created one two, but didn't get very far with either of them. Since it's a new year and I'm talking up all these things 2012 is going to bring, I better put my money where my mouth to speak.

What will you find here? Really, who knows? Those who know me well know that I do think about a LOT of things....some very logically and with reason and some very you might get a little of both. I'll let you decide on which is which. ;)

Seriously though, you will likely find pictures and stories (especially of the cutest person in our house...Kellen of course, in case anyone was confused about that!), stories of things that are happening with us, successes and disasters in the kitchen (okay, just food talk in general), updates on my resolutions, and lots of other random ramblings. There will be may other topics I'm sure.

Here is post # 1.

I really like reading the Parade insert in the Sunday newspaper. Being that Sunday was New Year's Day, part of Parade was about just that...the new year.
The front of Parade says "This is the year to: feel grateful, get your finances in order, lose weight, discover what you're truly meant to do". I think this is a good summation of what our year might bring....I also think they're sort of generic and probably what most of the population says they will do...but for us, these could really hit home in 2012.

Feel grateful: There are so many things we take for granted. I am grateful for so many things that go without acknowledgement. This year I will acknowledge on a daily basis. Maybe we'll make that weekly....I don't want to set unattainable goals.

Get your finances in order: This year will potentially turn us to a one income family. Pretty soon (NOW!) we're going to have to come up with a plan for what will happen when our income is cut in half.

Lose weight: Is this the #1 resolution made by women every year or what? I don't care so much about the scale, but there is some toning I'd like to do...and if some pounds come off with that, I'll be a happy camper. I think I'd like to get healthier in general.

Discover what you're truly meant to do. Well, this is a biggie isn't it? Wouldn't it be nice if that information just fell in our laps? For us, I think it could happen....or else we'll find out what isn't working for us.  JT will be starting a new job in the USMC as a Recruiter. He is excited and I think he could do really well at this. Is this what he is 'meant to do'? We'll see. I will be hanging out with Kellen a lot more than I have so far because I'll be home with him once we move. We'll call my title Domestic Diva. I'm SO not a diva though so I'll need to come up with another title for myself.  At any rate, the house and kiddo will be my main domain and although I've never thought of myself as a stay-at-home kind of person, I'm excited about it. I'll get to spend more time with K (he is so FUN right now), have the time to focus on things at home that I've never had the time (or energy) to focus on before, and get out in a new community to meet people and get involved.

Also in Parade this week is a little section by Dr Oz. I don't know about you, but I kind of like Dr Oz....or what I've read/seen about him. Although I don't watch his show, I do catch snippets of it here and there. His little corner of the page was called "Transformation Nation: Million Dollar Move". It is his Smart Move of the Week and it says:

        "Writing down your goals will help you clarify what you want...Check
          your list regularly to stay motivated after the novelty of the New
          Year has worn off. "

In about a week after I've really nailed down what I want to put on my list, I will post my goals on here so that 1) I will feel more accountable and 2) it will also serve as my attempt at writing them down. Hopefully this will continue to be a place that I frequent so I'll be reminded...or maybe I should write them down in several places in case I fall off the blog wagon....I like lists....

For those who were wondering, here is how WE spent New Year's Day....playing "Knights in Shining Armor" with garden tools and trash can lids....because or swords and shields were at home.

Daddy, Mommy and Kellen playing Knights:
 Mommy got slashed:
 The cutest Knight:
 Knight Kellen in charge:
 Poppo and Dommie got in on the action too!

Happy New Year to everyone! I hope 2012 is a FANTASTIC year for all!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I didn't know you guys were getting ready to PCS! Where will you guys be headed? I am going to send you a link through facebook. It's called the "30 Day Challenge" and it's all about setting goals and making yourself accountable for them. I haven't started mine yet because I still can't find the motivation but maybe you will. :) Great post!

