Sunday, January 29, 2012

Our day #2

Today was pretty much just a day at home. Kellen was literally in his PJs until almost 4pm. I had sort of planned on doing a few things out of the house today but we hardly ever just stay home and since there was nothing super important on the agenda and Kellen was really liking playing here, I decided that we'd just stay put. (Wish I had made that decision AFTER I did my morning routine...I could have been in my PJs all day too!)

He had so much fun playing with things he hasn't played with recently. One of those things was a little animal attached to a ball.
After that he marched around like a drum major in a parade...with the hat Daddy gave him. He loves the hat! He thought it was pretty neat to pull the band down as a chin strap.
Finally, once we got dressed, we decided to take the walk we'd been planning for most of the day. It was another pretty day (although not as pretty as yesterday) so we needed to get outside. We walked up to his school's parking lot and did some sword fighting (yes,  he takes a sword with him almost everywhere) and then some balancing on a balance beam...although he told me they were really "car waiters". I asked him what that meant. Of course he answered, "Mommy, it is where cars wait, like when you bring me to school. Your car waits here". Well, why didn't I think of that?

After lots of balancing and jumping off the "car waiters", we walked over to the gas station to get a drink. He stopped where the Nativity was during Christmas and noticed there was still some hay left behind. He started exclaiming, "It's WHEAT! Look, I found wheat! We can make our very own flour!" Sometimes his randomness really amazes me and keeps me entertained! :)

^ Can't you just sense the excitement?!
^His "wheat" collection.

As we were about to head home, we heard the train coming. I am not kidding when I say it is amazing that I even got a picture of this "little" train. He was bolting down the tracks like a bat out of....anyway, I have never seen a train move that fast...especially so close to intersections. I'm not even sure the lights had time to start blinking or the little arms had time to come down. He was moving fast. I wouldn't have gotten a pic if I hadn't already had the camera out!
Happy end of the weekend to everyone. It's hard to believe tomorrow is already Monday again...and for the first time in a few weeks I actually am planning to work all 5 days. :/

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