Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Hamburglar

Do you remember playing dress-up as a kid? Were you an imaginative child?
I live with a child who is FULL of imagination. He constantly wants to play like he is doing something or pretending to be something/someone else. As mentioned in my first post, he likes to play “Knights”. That is an understatement really – he wants to do it all.the.time. It is cute though and we like to make him smile so we humor him. Tonight he was playing “Knights” in a jailbird costume. I know, completely random and unrelated….but that is just how our child is…completely random sometimes.  
Here is the back story:
It started at his school yesterday. He knows the McDonald’s “M”. It’s not that we frequent there but it seems to be something kids pick up...there's even a song about it. :/  Anyway…in the lobby of his school there is bookshelf with several kid things: a Barney stuffed toy, a Slinky Dog that can walk, a barn, and among other things, a plastic McDonald’s restaurant that had never been there before. Our oh-so-observant child saw the McD’s  (mentioned something about it being new) and wanted to know who the characters were that were on it. We were talking about the big purple guy (Grimace) and I noticed that the Hamburglar was on the other side. K talks about policemen and ‘handcups’ (handcuffs) so I thought he’d like the Hamburglar. He did.
Tonight, we were having burgers for dinner (night #3 of beef for anyone who is counting) so while JT was getting the burgers ready, I asked K if he wanted to be the Hamburglar. Of course he answered with a huge YES! I bought a jailbird costume after Halloween for really cheap because I thought it would make a good costume for playing policemen or something someday. Who know it would be used in relation to dinner? I didn't even see that one coming. We found it in the garage and K put it on. He thought it was hysterical. He ran outside to see Daddy and tell him he was the Hamburglar and that he was going to ‘burgle’ all the burgers. He did in fact get the burgers out of the fridge (with a little help) and move them to the outside fridge to try to hide them from Daddy. Turns out though, K has a big mouth. He really wanted to tell JT that he stole the burgers. Even K said himself “I need to keep my mouth shut” to which we answered, “Yes, you do!”
Note to self - he’s not a very good secret keeper.
At any rate, here is our cute little Hamburglar. 

Someone has a guilty face....

Warming up the grill - pretty sure this is Pyro #2...

Daddy wanted to know where his burgers went...(I wish you could see K hopping around so excited that Daddy couldn't find the burgers).

Until next out for burger thieves...

P.S. The package from my 'good intentions' post earlier did actually get mailed today! Amazing!

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