Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

On Saturday we had "Jammie Day" and literally stayed in our PJs all day. It was nice (again) to not HAVE to go anywhere or do anything and to just sort of hang out at home. Kellen seems to really like days like that. I guess it's because we're on the go so much most of the time.  I figured what better day than to get our Valentine's Day crafts done. I *try* to send out things at different holidays to grandparents/great grandparents but it seems like no matter how on top of it I think I am, something inevitably happens. I had everything planned...everything bought...and even cut out waiting to make Valentine Hugs to send out. Saturday was the perfect day right? I figured we would have all weekend to make them (if it took that long - you just never know) and I could take them to the post office on Monday so they'd be to everyone in plenty of time for V day on Thursday.

Yes, you read that right. I thought it was on Thursday until AS we were making the hearts I realized it was Tuesday and sort of panicked. I think some of the closer family got theirs on time, but the rest had their surprise a little later. I hope everyone has them by now, otherwise the pictures will be spoilers.

Maybe one day I'll get my act together and get things out early. I REALLY thought I had it timed perfectly this time. :/

Here are some pics from our day.

Notice the tongue action in this shot. Apparently it helps with concentration. :)

Our finished Valentine 'hugs'.

This last picture was just too cute not to share. It is from a different day but I love watching him fall asleep (I think I've mentioned that before). He's so peaceful. I only wish to sleep as peacefully as he does! But until then, I'll keep taking pictures of him while he's sleeping. :)

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